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Servants of the Lord & the Virgin of Matará



Women Religious in America

The CMSWR — Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious — is an organization of women religious in the United States.  Major superiors and their vicars from many congregations across the country collaborate in various initiatives for the “full flowering” of religious life in America and the needs of the New Evangelization.

Information about upcoming events, vocations, religious life can be found on their website (, Facebook pageYouTube ChannelApp for mobile devices.

Special projects of the CMSWR include the film For Love Alone (2015), the first national GIVEN Forum (2016), a young Catholic women’s leadership forum, and “Esposas de Cristo, Hijas de la Iglesia” (“Spouses of Christ, Daughters of the Church”), a summer course for Hispanic women religious serving the Church in the United States.

Please pray for sisters!