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Servants of the Lord & the Virgin of Matará


Support Our Missions

Join the effort to help Catholic missionary sisters win souls for Jesus Christ. Missionaries not only help serve the temporal needs of the Church but they also impart joy and dedication into their apostolate. This ministry can mean often times much denial and sacrifice, such as leaving one’s own country, family, learning a new language, or adapting to a different culture. But the missionary understands that without this many people would not have the possibility to know the Gospel, to obtain a better way of life, education, hope.

Below are different ways you can support our vocation and mission. Thank you for supporting our missionaries in need and please keep us in your prayers.

Ed Antonio Memorial Fund

Ed & Paula Antonio have “adopted” the Contemplative Nuns of St. Edith Stein Monastery since 1999. In these 21 years they have provided endless support through sustenance, dedicated service, and selfless love. The sisters give thanks to God for their friendship with and memories of Ed; he will be greatly missed and fervently prayed for.

This photo shows Ed & Paula on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary in October, 2012 with the contemplative nuns of St. Edith Stein Convent (Servants of the Lord). They celebrated this anniversary with their family and friends at the visitors’ parlor of the monastery just so the nuns could be part of the momentous jubilee of their wedding (this happened to be the eve of Superstorm Sandy).

In memory of Ed, please make a donation to the Servants of the Lord Monastery. You can make an offering electronically or by check.

Donate Electronically

Donate by Check

Make checks payable to “Servants of the Lord

Kindly write “Ed Antonio Memorial Fund” on the memo line.

Mail to:
Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará
Monastery of the Precious Blood
5400 Fort Hamilton Pkwy, 54th Street Entrance
Brooklyn, NY 11219.

Donate by Donor Advisor Fund

If you would like to donate to the Ed Antonio Memorial Fund from your Donor Advised Fund, please direct your gift to the formal charity details, including organizational name and tax identification number as follows:

Name: Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará

Tax Identification Number: 52-2151379

PLEASE SPECIFY THE “Use” AS: Ed Antonio Memorial Fund

Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará is recognized by the IRS as a not for profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Your donation to Ed Antonio Memorial Fund Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará is tax deductible to the full extent of the law. 

Please email any questions or prayer requests to  Thank you.

New Vocations to Religious Life

Every year we are blessed to receive young women who wish to give themselves to the Lord as religious sisters in our community.  Supporting a young sister in formation is a way of showing respect and gratitude for the gift of consecrated life in the Church.  Your gift to the formation houses would help to provide for the educational, transportation, and medical needs of sisters in their first  stages of formation of their new life in the convent.  Thank you for supporting new missionaries for the Third Millennium!

Novitiate in USAPostulancy and Novitiate in Upper Marlboro, Maryland
After discerning the call of God to give themselves entirely to Him as religious sisters, the young women begin a period of formation and on-going discernment first as postulants, then as novices in our Novitiate House.

SSVM.IHM.JUN2013CommunityJuniorate House of Studies in Washington, DC
Following their first profession of vows, the sisters move to the Juniorate House of Studies. The new-professed sisters will begin a two-year period of study of philosophy, theology, church history, liturgy and language studies.

International Juniorate in Tuscania, Italy
Our formation program ends with a third year of studies in our International Juniorate in Italy.  Our Sisters from our juniorates all over the world come together in Bagnoregio (Diocese of Viterbo) to study, to pray, and to experience the Universal Church.  It is a great blessing for the sisters to be near the Vatican, to see the Holy Father, and to meet our General Superior, M. María Corredentora Rodríguez.  We are especially grateful for all those who have supported this special opportunity for young missionary sisters to grow strong in the heart of the Church before being sent out to the mission fields.

Piazza S. Francesco 1
01022 Bagnoregio (VT)
Phone: +39 (0761) 094298

Apostolic Sisters in the USA and Canada

Our apostolic sisters fulfill their vocation to consecrated life by growing daily in union with Jesus Christ, the Divine Bridegroom.  Their daily life of prayer and community life overflows into the apostolic work of making Christ known and loved through serving  in parishes, home-visitation, education and catechism classes.

Thank you for your prayers and support for the apostolic work of our sisters in the United States and Canada.

Contemplative Sisters in Brooklyn


Our contemplative sisters offer to God a hidden life of silence, prayer, and penance. Making a donation outright or offering the suggested donation for a liturgical item can be done through PayPal.

Liturgical Vestments and Ecclesiastical Embroidery
They support themselves by making altar cloths, vestments, and other ecclesiastical embroideries.  They also offer Christmas cards and enrollment in a Christmas novena.
Prayer Requests
Prayer requests can be sent to them by e-mail or by a letter. (They do not receive correspondence, however, during Advent or Lent.)

Monastery of St. Edith Stein
Attn: Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará
Monastery of the Precious Blood
5400 Fort Hamilton Pkwy, 54th Street Entrance
Brooklyn, NY 11219

Summer Outreach for Inner-city Girls

“Girls’ Summer Days” is an annual event run by our sisters for middle school and high school girls ages 10 to 17.  The majority of the girls who participate come from underprivileged homes from inner cities like East New York, East Harlem and North Philadelphia. It is our goal to educate the girls through fun and faith-filled activities so that they may become good Christians through an integral formation of body and soul in a familial spirit of fraternal charity. Fundraising Goal: $7,000  If we meet this goal, we can keep the fee low allowing more families to send their daughters.

Checks can be made to “Servants of the Lord” MEMO: Girls’ Summer Days Support, and mailed to:

Girls’ Summer Days
1326 Quincy Street NE
Washington, DC 20017

You will be remembered in the prayers of the girls and the sisters during our Masses at the summer camp.

Our Mission in Guyana, South America

Learn more about the challenges and work in the English-speaking Caribbean mission in Charity, Guyana.  Also see videos and read articles of lay missionaries who have shared experiences of serving Christ and the poor in Guyana.

Thank you for your generosity!

Foreign Missions

Our sisters are currently working in foreign missions in over 35 countries around the world. Read about the missions and learn about our special projects of the missions at [web], SSVM Onlus Missions Facebook, and YouTube Channel.

We invite you to share in our work through prayers and material support.  It is now easier to help online using PayPal. Please indicate in the memo which mission you would like to support.

Or send your charitable donations payable to:
SSVM Missions Inc.
533 W Tioga Street
Philadelphia, PA 19140

*please make checks payable to SSVM Missions and indicate in the memo which mission you are donating to.

Contact for questions: 
(267) 836-9055

Province of the Immaculate Conception | United States – Canada – Guyana – Suriname – Mexico