The Province of the Immaculate Conception
Our Lady, under the title of her Immaculate Conception, is the patroness of the United States of America. She also is the patroness of our Province which includes the United States, Canada, Guyana, Mexico and Suriname.
Our sisters began the mission in the United States in 1994, at the invitation of the Bishop of the Diocese of Brooklyn. We later began working in Canada in 2004 and in Guyana in 2007. Most recently, we opened our mission in Mexico in September of 2014.
Our Province includes 24 communities: 19 in the United States, two in Canada, one in Guyana, one in Mexico, and one in Suriname.
United States
Community “Our Lady of the Arctic Snows” serving in Fairbanks
Community “St. Maria de Jesus Sacramentado” serving in Phoenix
Community “Ven. Mother Maria Luisa Josefa” serving Our Lady of Peace in Santa Clara
Community “Ven. Concepción Cabrera de Armida” serving St. Michael’s in Wauchula
Community “St. Kateri Tekakwitha” Novitiate House of Formation in Upper Marlboro
Community “Our Lady of Lourdes” near Emmitsburg
Community “St. Catherine of Siena” St. Anthony of Padua Parish in New Bedford
Community “St. Theodore Guerin” serving Sts. Peter and Paul in Mankato
New Hampshire
Community “St. Elizabeth Ann Seton” serving Salve Regina Academy in Berlin and Gorham, New Hampshire
New Jersey
Community “St. John Paul II” serving the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian parish in Perth Amboy.
New York
Community “St. Frances Xavier Cabrini” serving Sts. Peter and Paul in Williamsburg, Brooklyn
Community “St. Rose Duchesne” serving St. Paul in East Harlem
Contemplative Monastery “St. Edith Stein” at the Monastery of the Precious Blood in Borough Park, Brooklyn
Contemplative Novitiate “St. Catherine of Siena” at the Monastery of the Precious Blood in Borough Park, Brooklyn
Community “Our Lady of Guadalupe” serving Mision Santa Maria in Avondale
Community “St. Katharine Drexel” serving St. Veronica in Philadelphia
Community “Community Venerable Julia Navarrete Guerrero” serving St. Bernard’s parochial school in Dallas
Washington, D.C.
Provincial House “Immaculate Conception” in Southeast Washington
Community “Immaculate Heart of Mary” Juniorate House of Studies
Community “Notre Dame du Cap” serving St. Augustine of Canterbury in North York, Toronto, ON
Community “St. Marie de l’Incarnation” serving St. John the Baptist in Peterborough, ON
Community “Immaculate Conception” serving St. Francis Xavier in Charity and chapels along the Pomeroon River and Essequibo Coast
Community “Virgen de Izamal” serving the “Casa del Sacerdote” (a home for elderly priests) in Merida, Yucatan
Community “Our Lady of Perpetual Help” in the capital, Paramaribo serving “Maria Internaat” (a girls dormitory for elementary and secondary students).