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Lay Missionaries Return Home

On Friday, April 17, 2009 the sisters in Guyana said good-bye to the lay missionaries, Alison Levitas and Sandra Chamberlin. The volunteers spent two months doing missionary work with the sisters in Charity, Guyana. They organized 5 oratories for the children in the communities of Charity, Henrietta, Suddie, Lima Sands, and Siriki. Over 300 children participated in these oratories and countless others were touched by Allie and Sandy’s work and presence here. So many seeds were planted and only time will be needed to see the fruits.

They were also able to participate in the community celebrations of St. Joseph’s Feast Day and the Feast of the Annunciation, the 25th Anniversary of the Institute of the Incarnate Word. We are so grateful for the selfless generosity which Allie and Sandy showed in their giving of themselves and their time for the missions of the Church. We pray for many more generous volunteers to offer themselves for a life changing experience in Guyana, the Land of Many Waters.