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Provincial House (Ukraine)
Community Nuestra Señora de Zarvanytsia in Krykhivtsi

Houses of Formation
Aspirancy Beata Tarcikia Matskiv in Dubove
Novitiate Beata Josafata Hordashevska in Krykhivtsi

Apostolic Houses
Community San Nicolas in Krykhivsti-Dolyna (home of mercy)
Community Santa Lucia Filippini in Celleno
Community San José in Burshtyn
Community Inmaculado Corazón de María in Horokholyna (home of mercy)
Community Siervo de Dios Vasyl Lonchyna in Kramatorsk
Community Monseñor León Kruk in Vapniarka 
Community Santa Verónica in Ternopil (home of mercy)
Community Todos los Santos del Pueblo Ucraniano in Lviv

Monasteries \\ Specific Prayer Intention
Contemplative Community de la Santa Sofía Sabiduría Divina in Burshtyn \\ That Catholics may breath with both lungs (the unity of the Eastern and Western Rites)

Mission Highlight: East & West

In order to help the Christians of the Eastern churches, who form part of the indivisible patrimony of the Universal Church, we also include an Eastern branch.  In this way we breathe, in the same way as the Church, with two lungs. 

“One cannot breathe as a Christian, to say it more, as a Catholic, with only one lung; one must have two lungs, that is to say, of the East and of the West.” (John Paul II, OR 08/06/1980)

When our mission in Ukraine opened in 1998, our General Superior recognized the importance of the black habit to conform to the culture, whose liturgy is that of the Greek-Byzantine Rite of the Catholic Church. Religious sisters of this rite traditionally wear black habits. Today in Ukraine and Siberia, our Eastern Rite sisters wear the black habit, which, except for the color, is the same as the blue and grey habit, including the Cross of Matará.

Photos from the missions


How you can help

Use PayPal to make a tax-deductible donation to this mission. Your mailing address only will be used to send you a thank-you letter with our tax ID number for your records.

Or send your charitable donations payable to:
SSVM Missions Inc.
Attn: Ukraine
533 W Tioga Street
Philadelphia, PA 19140

All the sisters thank you for your prayers and support!

Province of the Immaculate Conception | United States – Canada – Guyana – Suriname – Mexico