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Provincial House (Holland, Ireland, Iceland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Belgium)
Community Maria Sterre der Zee in Limburg, Netherlands 

Apostolic Houses
Community San Damian in Zottegem

Monasteries \\ Specific Prayer Intention
Contemplative Community Santa Lutgarda in Zottegem \\ For the Sacred Hearts to reign in society, especially through the apostolate and sanctification of the laity, and in particular for the members of the third order.

On February 10, 2020 the solemn Mass for the founding of the first SSVM community in Belgium was celebrated. Although it is the first foundation of our Institute in this country, it is not the first of the Religious Family, since we have had members of the third order here for more than ten years. For years, members of the Third Order have been praying and offering sacrifices asking for the foundation of the sisters.

Photos from the missions

How you can help

Use PayPal to make a tax-deductible donation to this mission. Your mailing address only will be used to send you a thank-you letter with our tax ID number for your records.

Or send your charitable donations payable to:
SSVM Missions Inc.
Attn: Belgium
533 W Tioga Street
Philadelphia, PA 19140

All the sisters thank you for your prayers and support!