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Buenos Aires 

San Rafael


Our Religious Family was born in San Rafael, (Mendoza), Argentina on March 25, 1984. Four years later Father Buela founded the sisters also in this small city. Today the country is divided into two provinces: the Province of “Our Lady of Luján” (includes Chile) and the Province of Our Lady of Buenos Aires (includes Paraguay). 

Locations in the Province of Our Lady of Lujan

Provincial House (Argentina & Chile)
Community Nuestra Señora de Luján in San Rafael

Houses of Formation
Aspirancy Beata Laura Vicuña in San Rafael
Postulancy Santa Bernardita Soubirous in San Rafael
Novitiate San José in San Rafael
Juniorate House of Studies Santa Catalina de Siena in San Rafael

Apostolic Houses
Community Nuestra Señora de la Divina Providencia in San Rafael (home of mercy)
Community Santa Gianna Beretta Molla in San Rafael (home of mercy)
Community Santa María de Cleofás in San Rafael
Community San José Moscati in San Rafael (hospital)
Community Santa Isabel de Hungría in San Rafael (home of mercy)
Community Sierva de Dios Rosa Giovannetti in San Rafael (home of mercy)
Community Santa Teresa Jornet e Ibars in General Alvear
Community Cristo de la Quebrada in San Luis (hospital)
Community Beata María Antonia de Paz y Figueroa in Villa Mercedes
Residence Santa Faustina Kowalska in Rama Caída

Monasteries \\ Specific Prayer Intention
Contemplative Community Santa Teresa de los Andes in San Rafael \\ World Peace

Locations in the Province of Our Lady of Buenos Aires

Provincial House (Argentina & Paraguay)
Community Beata Maria Ludovica de Angelis in La Plata

Apostolic Houses
Community Beata María de Jesús Crucificado Petkovic in La Plata (hospital)
Community Beata María Crescencia Pérez in Campo de Mayo (hospital)
Community Santiago Apóstol in Los Juríes
Community San Pablo VI in Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz (hospital)
Community Sierva de Dios María de Lourdes del Santísimo Sacramento in Venado Tuerto
Community en la Parroquia Perpetuo Socorro in Buenos Aires (Greek-Melkite Catholic Church)

Highlighted Missions: San Rafael's "City of Charity"

The “City of Charity” is an important work of our Religious Family. In these Homes of Mercy, our sisters care for disabled women, mothers who otherwise would not be able to care for their babies, orphaned children or those from troubled families, and young girls who have been abandoned or separated from their families. The City of Charity also includes similar homes for boys and men, which are run by the IVE priests and seminaries. Children and youth who belong to the Homes “St. Gianna Beretta Molla,” “St. John Bosco” and “Rosa Giovanetti” also attend the local parochial school run by our Religious Family. Listed below are the homes which our sisters staff and operate.  

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CIMG0814i 24 In this house, our sisters receive children from very poor families. Most of them have had to be separated from their parents by civil authorities as a result of serious family problems. They have been entrusted to our care so that we can give them a safe, loving environment where they can grow up, and where, by the grace of God, their hurt souls may be “healed.” Many of these children have serious CIMG0803 psychological problems which require constant medical attention.

Once the children reach adolescence, the girls move to the Servant of God Rosa Giovanetti Home, and the boys to the St. John Bosco Home (IVE). We give special attention to preserving and sustaining sibling relationships even when brothers and sisters may be living in different Homes.

This home was founded to receive adolescent girls who have been abandoned or separated from their families. Some of these girls are from the St. Gianna Beretta Molla Home. We work to offer them an integral human formation and spiritual formation, providing them the necessary means to become good Christian women. Those who go on to university studies or who begin working after high school are housed in an adjacent building, where they are able to transition into independent adult life.

In all of these Works of Mercy, we trust in Our Lord who loves in a special way all children and youth, espcially those who suffer. May He help us to make known His boundless love to all the souls entrusted to our care.

We find the Suffering Christ present in the sick. For this reason, our sisters work as nurses, caring for patients in a governement-run hospital. In addition to their medical work, the sisters offer spiritual accompaniment to the sick and their families, as well as to the medical staff of nurses and doctors.

Our sisters wear the white habit when they work as nurses; the rest of the time, they wear the typical gray and blue habit of our Institute.



k 21At Divina Providencia women and girls of varying disabilities have a loving home. An important wing of the house is the “Home for Mothers.” In order to support mothers in crisis pregnancies, some years ago we opened a special wing dedicated to their care.  K19H~38BSeveral of the mothers are disabled or have serious psychiatric problems which also require them to have additional care in order to raise their children. In the majority of cases, they have been the victims of rape. The house is open not only to disabled mothers, but to all women and babies that need to be saved.

How you can help

Use PayPal to make a tax-deductible donation to this mission. Your mailing address only will be used to send you a thank-you letter with our tax ID number for your records.

Or send your charitable donations payable to:
SSVM Missions Inc.
Attn: Argentina
533 W Tioga Street
Philadelphia, PA 19140

All the sisters thank you for your prayers and support!