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Servants of the Lord & the Virgin of Matará


“Go to the ends of the earth..."

Our small Religious Family has always sought to share intimately in the “inherently missionary nature” of the Church by being committed to the proclamation of the Gospel and the witness of Christ through the evangelization of the culture, our specific charism. Currently, our sisters are working in foreign missions in 31 countries around the world.

We want to be “another humanity added to His own,” ; we want to be chalices full of Christ that pour out their superabundance on all the rest; we want to show with our lives that Christ lives. We want to love and serve the Spirit of Christ because the Spirit is the soul of the Church, and because anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to Him (Rom 8:9). (Constitutions, 7)We want to love and serve Jesus Christ – His Body and His Spirit – and to make others love and serve Him. We want to love and serve the physical Body of Christ, the Eucharist, as much as His mystical Body, the Church which is formed by us who must become “other Christs” by our holiness of life, and formed by all men, in whom we see the same Christ, especially the poor, sinners and enemies.

Read more about opportunities for lay missionaries. Men and women have gone to help our missions around the world.