Servants of the Lord & the Virgin of Matará
Catholic Culture
Saints to Know
The Cloud of Witnesses (Heb. 12:1)
Pope, Bishop, Priest, Deacon, Monk, Religious, Martyr, Evangelist: the modern eye is not surprised that these titles also accompany the title ‘Saint’. However, saints go by many other names: royalty, leper, teacher, child, television personality, prisoner, husband, physician, knight, actor, poet, musician, architect, and mother. In reality, the only title that can accurately describe these models of heroic virtue is “Saint.” We hear the voices of these faithful witnesses calling to us and every man and woman, “Come, let the Master call you!” We join with this immense crowd who have allowed themselves to be extensions of Christ’s love.
With St. Peter Julian Eymard we say, “The Holy Eucharist is Jesus Christ, past, present and future.” One of the many joys of being Catholic is being a part of the communion of saints. In this great fraternity of holiness we adhere to Jesus Christ. We join Him in the historical reality of the Upper Room 2,000 years ago. Here and now we unite ourselves to Jesus Christ present among us in the Eucharist. Finally, we look forward to worshiping the One who is to come alongside those who gave everything for love of Him who gave everything for love of us.