Servants of the Lord & the Virgin of Matará
Catholic Culture
Promoting a Culture of Life
“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you”
— Mt. 28:19-20
The foundation of peace is justice, and justice requires people to live in the truth. Real change is impossible unless people are willing to learn and face the facts about life, personhood, and abortion.
In recent times as society has become increasingly concerned with the ideals of progress and freedom, the Catholic Church has often been accused of being “out of touch” with the modern world. Nowhere is this accusation more liberally applied than in the debate about abortion. Yet, over the past 2,000 years of her existence, the Church has amassed a vast and ever-growing treasury of wisdom, not only about the mysteries of God, but also about the things of this world. Innumerable times throughout history the Church has used her insights to speak out for the oppressed and the silenced, bringing about effective social change.
An often misunderstood point is that the Church’s pro-life position is primarily based on a rational investigation of society and individual personhood, and not on revealed truths from God. While faith confirms and deepens her understanding, the Church’s teachings on this issue are fundamentally based on human reason and thus accessible and applicable to all people, no matter what their religious beliefs.
Do you want to learn why the Catholic Church is pro-life? Are you looking for ways to get more involved in the pro-life movement? Do you, or does someone you know, need help because of an nplanned pregnancy? Find out the answer to these questions and so much more by following the links to these great websites and documents.
Church Documents
We highly recommend these documents to anyone who is interested in a rational defense of the Church’s pro-life position.
The Compendium of Social Doctrine of the Church | Written by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, this very thorough document expounds the Church’s social doctrine from its theoretical roots to its application for particular issues.
Pacem in Terris | A wonderful document about the Church’s position on social doctrine in general, written by Blessed John XXXIII “Any well-regulated and productive association of men in society demands the acceptance of one fundamental principle: that each individual man is truly a person. His is a nature, that is, endowed with intelligence and free will. As such he has rights and duties, which together flow as a direct consequence from his nature. These rights and duties are universal and inviolable, and therefore altogether inalienable (9).”
Evangelium Vitae | Although more theologically based, this document written by Blessed John Paul II is a beautiful and uplifting expression of the Christian love of life.
Direct Political Involvement
Being convinced of the truth, how do you get involved? In our country, often the most effective change is brought about using the democratic political structures already built into our government system. You have a voice and can make a difference, but sometimes we need help to coordinate our efforts and most effectively participate in the political process.
USCCB Legislative Action Center | This site follows the legislative action in Washington DC on a wide range of issues that affect the Catholic conscience, including pro-life issues. You can learn more about current legislation, get tips and help for contacting your government representatives, and add your voice to the debate on Capitol Hill.
American Life League | ALL is a Catholic grassroots pro-life educational organization. They have great information and advice for how to most effectively get involved in the pro-life issues on a community and national level.
Social Activism, Information, Grassroots lobbying
USCCB Pro-Life Office | A very complete website with news reports, upcoming events, links, and more. For those who are particularly interested in all types of social justice issues, check out the Life Issues Forum in English and in Spanish and read thoughtful postings from Catholic writers about pro-life issues.
Do Not Miss! a personal account from Ken, a man who was given a chance at life because of the courage and generosity of his mother- a young victim of rape. Hear him tell his own story in a recording of a live radio show.
Human Life International | A Catholic organization seeking to follow Jesus by “building a Culture of Life and of Love around the world through education, outreach, advocacy, and service.” Do Not Miss: For anyone interested in serious academic research on many different life issues, do not miss the HLI Research Section.
Human Life Alliance | An organization dedicated to promoting a culture which values life, especially on university campuses and among young adults. They pursue this goal through education, support of pregnancy crisis centers, and outreach to community efforts which support life.
Pro-life Solutions: And the greatest of these is love
How do we give practical help to women in crisis pregnancies so they have the freedom and strength to choose life? Women, especially college students and young adult women, have a unique role in the pro-life movement. Many young women in crisis pregnancies do not feel comfortable consulting with their doctors, yet they will talk to their college roommates. A well informed Catholic college student has the opportunity to really make a difference for both a distressed mother and an innocent child. Would you be ready to help if someone came to you?
Option Line | and its page in Spanish is dedicated to giving women real choices during the terrifying moments of dealing with an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. For women who feel trapped and see abortion as the only (or easy) way out, this site provides anonymous support and someone knowledgeable with which to discuss real options. Learn about the serious (and often unmentioned) health risks involved in abortion or find the nearest pregnancy help-clinic anywhere in the world.
Visitation Mission of the Sisters of Life | The Sisters of Life were founded for the “protection and enhancement of the sacredness of every human life.” They are ready to help women “unfold the beautiful potential that lays hidden in the unexpected” by supporting those dealing with crisis/unplanned pregnancies.
Birthright International | provides free pregnancy services to those in need throughout the United States and Canada.
Mercy & Healing for those involved in abortions
Hope after Abortion or Project Rachel | This is the official website of Project Rachel, the Catholic Church’s healing ministry to those who have been involved in abortion. Project Rachel involves a network of trained mental health professionals, priests, spiritual directors, and volunteers that provide support for those in need of healing. Find facts about the harmful effects of abortions, contact information, and more. Of particular note is the rich information gathered by scientific studies about the adverse psychological effects of abortion.
Elliot Institute | A non-profit corporation formed in order to research the impact of abortion on women, men, and society. They publish their findings and advocate for men and women seeking healing.
Silent No More | The main goals of this organization are to reach out to people who have been hurt by abortion, educate the public about the harmful effects of abortion, and to give people who have been involved with abortion an opportunity to share their testimonies. You can also find information about upcoming events go get involved.
Rachel’s Vineyard | Find information about weekend retreats to help men and women deal with and heal from their abortion experiences.
Lumina | A Catholic organization dedicated to bringing hope and healing to men and women after an abortion through retreats and education.
Reclaiming Fatherhood | A website focused especially on the impact of abortion in the lives of men. Along with resources for those seeking help and healing, there are also important results from a pilot study confirming the real and damaging effects of abortion for the men involved.
Praying to End Abortion
A man’s mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps (Prov 16:9). At the ultimate foundation of all she does, the Church must acknowledge that her strength and efficacy will always come from God. Although we can make rational arguments for the pro-life position, we can never neglect to ask for the Lord’s mercy and help in our fight to build up the culture of life. Let us take Heaven by storm with our continual and heartfelt prayers and supplication to our loving and providential Father.
40 Days for Life | A spiritual, ecumenical, nation-wide effort which has yielded many visible fruits.