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Servants of the Lord & the Virgin of Matará

About Us

Our Spirituality

“To ‘put out into the deep’ is to take the demands of the gospel seriously and thoroughly: go, sell what you possess (Mt 19:21). It is the longing of our restless heart, yearning to possess the Infinite. It is the impetus of the saints and martyrs who gave everything for God.
— Directory of Spirituality, 216

We believe that our Spirituality should be deeply marked by the mystery of the Incarnation in its many aspects, which is ‘the first and fundamental mystery of Jesus Christ’, and from there fervently set out to restore all things in Christ (Eph 1:10).

We want to live intensely the virtues of transcendence, Faith, Hope, and Charity, in order to be salt and light of the world, without being of the world. We want to live intensely the virtues of humility, justice, sacrifice, poverty, pain, obedience, merciful love … in a word, to take up the cross (Mt 16,24).


The Eucharist


The Virgin Mary

spirituality-three white things

The Holy Father

To be Marian

We want to be anchored in the mystery of the Word made flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary. Therefore, our spirituality needs the Blessed Virgin to be the model, the guide, and the form of all our acts. To express our love and gratitude to the Blessed Virgin Mary and to obtain from her the indispensable help to prolong the Incarnation in all things, we make a fourth vow of Marian slavery according to the spirit of St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort.

To be Missionary

As God has been generous in calling us to Himself, we desire to never hesitate to share this joy with our brothers and sisters. Jesus asked His followers to go and make disciples of all nations and to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth. We strive to show our gratitude for what we have received by praying and sacrificing for the missionary work of the Church. We know that prayer is one of the most important aspects of our religious life, and that our apostolic activity will bear lasting fruit only if it is first founded in prayer. For this reason, we seek to never stop imploring the Father to send forth His Holy Spirit throughout the Church so that She may be an authentic witness to Christ’s love for all nations.

Daily Life of Prayer

Union and Conformity with Christ in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the center of our daily life as consecrated women. All other moments of daily prayer aid us in a fuller participation in the Holy Mass.

Our daily prayer life includes:

  • The Holy Mass
  • One hour of Eucharistic Adoration
  • The Divine Office in Community
    (Morning, Evening, and Night Prayer)
  • The Angelus
  • The Holy Rosary
  • The Daily Examine
  • Private and Devotional Prayers

Pray for the Missions

Learn about how to commit to praying one rosary a day for a specific foreign mission of our Religious Family at