19 Novices Receive the Holy Habit
In the first few days of December, 19 of our Servidora novices received the holy habit. Four of our contemplative novices received it on December 4th at the Precious Blood Monastery in Brooklyn, NY and 15 of our active novices were invested on December 6th at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC.
Our Constitutions reminds us that:
“The religious of our Institute must wear the Holy Habit, which is a sign of their consecration and a witness to their poverty…Let us love the habit, which should be like our very skin” (154).
In the same number, quoting St. John Paul II, it continues:
“It is the means to remind yourselves constantly of your commitment which contrasts strongly with the spirit of the world; it is a silent but eloquent testimony; it is a sign that our secularized world needs to find on its way” (1978, Speech to the International Union of General Superiors).
These 19 novices were recently given their new religious names:
- Mary Missionary of the Cross
- María Espejo de Pureza (Mirror of Purity)
- María Madre Purísima (Mother Most Pure)
- Mary Queen of All Hearts
- Mary Mother of Fair Love
- María Virgen Triunfante (Triumphant Virgin)
- Mary Mother of Perseverance
- Mary Vessel of Honor
- Mary Rose of Purity
- Mary Virgin of Sorrows
- María Eco Fiel de Dios (Faithful Echo of God)
- Maria Lucerna Veniae (Lamp of Pardon)
- María de Corazón Dócil (Docile Heart)
- Mary Tender Mother
- Mary Joy of the Angels
- Marie Mère du Perpétuel Secours (Mother of Perpetual Help)
- María Madre de la Preciosísima Sangre (Mother of the Most Precious Blood)
- Maria Sacratissimi Cordis Iesu (Mary of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus)
- Mary Blessed Mother
Our Brothers in the Incarnate Word: First Vows, Investiture of Cassock & Final Vows
In addition to these joyous ceremonies, in recent weeks our brothers in the Institute of the Incarnate Word in Washington, DC also had much to celebrate.
On November 22, five IVE seminarians professed their first temporary vows of chastity, poverty, obedience and Marian slavery. This Mass was celebrated at the Ven. Fulton Sheen Seminary.
A few days later, November 25, 19 IVE novices were invested with the cassock in a solemn Mass at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception.
Finally, on December 8th, Feast of the Immaculate Conception (patroness of our province), Brother Jose Aca, IVE professed his final vows.
As we draw nearer to the birth of Our Lord, we entrust all the vocations of our Religious Family to the Immaculate Conception, our mother and patroness, the Woman who waits and who conquers through her Divine Son.
Immaculate Conception, pray for us!