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Servants of the Lord
the Virgin of Matará


Religious Family of the Incarnate Word

“We want to dedicate ourselves to the evangelization of the culture.” – Constitutions, 26 


Institute of the Incarnate Word


Servants of the Lord &
the Virgin of Matara

Third Order Secular


Who we are

As the female branch of the Religious Family of the Incarnate Word, “we commit all our strength to inculturate the Gospel, that is to say, to extend the Incarnation ‘to all men, in the whole man, and in all of the manifestations of man,’ in accordance with the teachings of the Magisterium of the Church.” – Constitutions, 5


Evangelization of the Culture

“Nothing genuinely human is alien to us in the work of prolonging the Incarnation to all reality.” 
– Directory of Spirituality, 27 


Third Order

SBS Marketing Photos


Dallas, Texas


Santa Rosa, Guyana

Works of Mercy

Papua New Guinea

Intellectual Apostolate

Philosophical studies

Youth and Young Adults

Youth Festival


Our vows

We profess four vows in order to follow the Incarnate Word more intimately.


... for the sake of the
kingdom of heaven.


... manifesting that God is
the only true wealth for man.


... even to death
on the cross.

Marian Slavery

... a total surrender to Mary
to better serve Jesus Christ.


The Three White Things

“Intimately united to the mystery of our religion which was manifested in the flesh (1 Tm 3:16), and therefore united to our love, are the ‘three white things of the Church’.” – Constitutions, 12


The Eucharist

“which prolongs the Incarnation under the species of bread and wine by the action of the Catholic priesthood;”


The Virgin Mary

“who gave her yes so that from her flesh and blood the Word would become flesh;”


The Pope

“the incarnate presence of the Truth, the Will, and the Sanctity of Christ.”

Silent Retreat

Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius


“…entirely dedicated to contemplation,…in solitude and silence, with constant
 prayer and penance willingly undertaken, occupy themselves with God alone.” – Monastic Rule, 4



“I commit all my strength so as not to be elusive to the missionary adventure" - Formula of Vows

We are in 42 countries around the world. See where we are!




Mary, Mother of God

Entrusting the New Year to Mary! Public domain, wikicommons From all the Servidoras of our Province, we wish you a Happy New Year! The Church dedicates the first day of the year to Mary, Mother of God. By doing this, she indicates to us that Mary is the one who…
The Nativity – Lorenzo Monaco
Christ is Born!
Merry Christmas! The Nativity by Lorenzo Monaco, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY A Christmas Prayer from St. Bernard of Clairvaux Let Your goodness Lord appear…
immaculate conception
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons “You are all beautiful, O Mary; in you there is no trace of original sin!” (from Morning…

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As Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará, also known by our name in Spanish, Servidoras, we are an institute of Catholic missionary sisters dedicated to prolonging the Incarnation of the Word through the evangelization of culture. We were founded in 1988 by Fr. Carlos Miguel Buela, IVE and belong to the Religious Family of the Incarnate Word. We wish to take seriously the demands of the Gospel in going “to make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28:18) as modern missionaries. We seek to fulfill our religious vocation to be Spouses of Christ by living deeply the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience.

We wear a distinctive blue and grey habit as a sign of our total consecration to God and as a living symbol of the mystery of the Incarnation—blue representing the divinity of Christ, and grey the humanity of Christ. Our bright blue scapulars are also a way to honor the Virgin Mary, to whom we are consecrated in a fourth vow of Marian slavery of love according to St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort.

We take new religious names which are all titles of Our Lady as a way to keep her before us always as the model of our religious life and the sure guide to bring us always closer to her Divine Son. To sum up in the words of our foundational text (Constitutions, 7): “We want to be founded in Jesus Christ who has come in the flesh (1 Jn 4:2), and only in Christ, and always in Christ. We want Christ to be in everything and in all, and all of Christ, because the Rock is Christ (Cf. 1 Cor 10:4.), and no other foundation can anyone lay (1 Cor 3:11).”


Contact us


If you are discerning a vocation to religious life, you can come to know the Lord’s will for you more easily by spending time in prayer and seeking out daily mass often. Try to help you find the schedule of masses close to your school or work. Mass in a quiet, out of the way chapel allows us to pause from our busy activities and to have the sacramental intimacy with Jesus in the Eucharist which is needed in order to hear what God is trying to say to us. This website also can show you where Confessions and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament are available. Spending time in silence before Our Lord in the Eucharist is one of the most important parts of the the discernment experience. Servidoras and women religious throughout the Church can attest that it was there that He clarified, strengthened, and confirmed the plans He had for them.